Principal’s Desk

After nearly two decades as Headmaster of Glenwood Preparatory and as an Educational Consultant at Durban High School, it is a privilege for me to have become the Principal of Sycamore Academy.

Sycamore Community Church has been in existence for over 50 years and the opportunity to lead this adjoining Non-Profit Private Education Institution, was just too good an opportunity to turn down.

In addition, I have been able to appoint and develop a top-class staff team who nurture and guide our pupils through the primary school education process and prepare them well for the challenges that High School and Tertiary Education will no doubt bring.

Central to the small classes (never more than 24 pupils), and excellent Academic/Cultural/Sport package on offer, is the caring and nurturing environment, that manifests itself throughout every corner of Sycamore Academy.

While developing the numerous talents and skills of our pupils, we also believe in instilling a value system that will assist our pupils to honour their numerous responsibilities throughout life, and thus impact positively on South African society at large, in the future.

What has particularly impressed me at Sycamore Academy is the zest and professionalism shown by all connected to the school during the COVID-19 Crisis. A highly structured and effective Distance Learning Programme was quickly set up and Sycamore Academy pupils from Grade 1 to 7, were thereafter, able to return to school from 1 June 2020 i.e three months before the majority of schools in South Africa opened, and 2022 saw not one teaching day being lost to Covid-19, a remarkable feat in itself.

They say that the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and Sycamore pupils have throughout this difficult time, received outstanding tuition, and are thus fully up-to-date with the Academic syllabus for the years in question.

In our case, smaller has definitely proved to be better and our parents have been most complimentary of the efforts of the school. To the many private pre-school Principals with who we have developed sound relationships over the years, we thank them for their continued support and well-wishes. To prospective parents and pupils, we invite you to have a closer look at this very special and unique private school, that will prepare your child for High School and beyond, in the best manner possible. 
